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Start Your Journey Today

The following is a post sponsored by Equinox Fitness Clubs. For our sponsored post policy, click here.

We talk a lot about “fitness journeys” here on Fit Bottomed Girls. I’ve shared my transformation from non-runner to runner, and Erin has been candid about her fall off and jump back on the workout wagon. Working out is a lot like life. You have highs, you have lows but somewhere in the middle you do the dang thing. And, in the end, working out—even though it can take time out of the everyday hustle and bustle we’re all faced with—enriches and improves your life.

That’s why today we’re featuring another inspirational story. Equinox Fitness recently started a campaign that encourages its members to share how Equinox helped, changed and shaped their lives. Equinox held a casting call in both Los Angeles and New York City to choose which members would be featured and celebrate their amazing accomplishments.

One of those inspiration stories is from Anne Hudson-Price from New York. Here’s her story in her own words (better than we could tell it!):

“If one more person told me ‘you shouldn’t be alive,’ I was going to lose it! In August 2009, I was in a near-fatal car accident. I broke my neck in five places—every nurse in the hospital told me it was a miracle I wasn’t paralyzed. The surgery was intense: five hours in the operating room and three fused vertebrae in my neck. Because I was in great shape before the accident from attending Equinox’s classes, I was able to go back to the gym a week after my surgery. Both my physical therapist and my doctor say that the reason I recovered so quickly was 100 percent because I had always been so active.

I think my scar on my neck tells my story best because it symbolizes my recovery from something that might have knocked someone else down. I hope I can help other people realize no matter what you go through, you can come out of it.”

Wow, right? The fact that getting fit and staying fit can so drastically change—and possibly save—your life in ways you can’t fully understand is an amazing and powerful lesson. And one that proves that Equinox is much more than a gym. We thank Anne for sharing her fitness journey and hope that it inspires you to keep going!

If you’re ready to start your own journey, be sure to register for a complimentary three-day guest pass to Equinox. All of their clubs are super nice, and we promise you won’t regret the visit or trying them out! And be sure to pop on over to Equinox’s website to share your own fitness journey or read more stories of people whose lives have been changed by getting fit.

Everyone has a story. Are you ready to start yours? —Jenn

FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!