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Be Kinder with Boom Boom! Cards (with a Giveaway!)

boom boom cardsI’m sure most people would agree that the world could use a bit more kindness. It certainly doesn’t hurt anything, right? Now, teaching your kids about acts of kindness can be a fun, interactive experience with Boom Boom! Cards.

What are Boom Boom! Cards? They’re a deck of 26 playing cards that each feature an act of kindness to be performed and then paid forward. With fun missions like “Write a letter to thank someone who inspired you” and “Pick up litter the next time you see it,” the cards encourage both human and environmental kindness. You then pass the card along to someone else in the hopes that they’ll also do the good deed, and so on.

Especially fun for the kids? The cards can be registered online in the Boom Boom! community where agents of altruism post stories, videos, pictures and track the cards as they get passed along all over the world. Kids can see how their little acts have an impact on the world. Cool, right?

Want to see your acts of kindness go boom? Comment below to enter to win your own set of Boom Boom! Cards. U.S. residents only, please. A winner will be chosen in about a week! It would make a great stocking stuffer for the upcoming holidays… —Erin


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