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The Other Four-Letter Word That Should Be Off Limits When It Comes to Your Kids

The word “diet” is a loaded word these days. We’ve always said that “diet” is a four-letter word and that’s because we believe you need to adopt an overall healthier lifestyle to be an overall fitter person. The journey shouldn’t end when the “diet” is over! Although many authors use the d-word to sell books even when they’re talking more about a lifestyle change, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that a children’s book has sparked controversy over its inclusion of the word in the title.

I haven’t read the book, Maggie Goes On a Diet, but according to the Amazon description, it’s about a 14-year-old girl who goes on a diet and is transformed from being overweight and insecure to a confident school soccer star. The Amazon reviews range from those who think the book is helpful and relatable to those who think the book sends a bad message to kids about body image and weight. Dr. David Katz, who recently shared tips on talking about weight with kids and is the senior medical adviser at MindStream Academy, a co-ed health and wellness boarding school, said that when you take away that one “inflammatory” word from the book, the book’s message is fairly solid.

But the controversy just goes to show how important words are when talking about the sensitive subject of weight. “As a parent,” Dr. Katz says, “it’s important to know how to communicate the importance of a healthy lifestyle to your children (which Maggie Goes On a Diet seems to get right!) without perpetuating the stigma and obsession with thinness that dieting sparks (which is why the book is so controversial).”

So how do you best influence your children’s body image and health? Read on for four things to keep in mind, according to Katz.

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