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Ideas for the Perfect Girls’ Day Out

girls-day-out-585We’re all about spoiling moms this week with our Pampering Week theme—because every mama needs a little TLC!

Friendships seem to take center stage throughout childhood and early adulthood. But sometimes once careers get into full swing and babies start to appear, the female friendship takes a backseat to other priorities. But nurturing good friendships is hugely important throughout your life. Friendships are said to increase your sense of belonging, boost your happiness and improve your self-worth. Experts say they’re also great for reducing stress—and can be important for support when you cope with tough life situations such as illness or divorce.

We all know of the classic girls’ night out—think dinner, drinks and dancing. But sometimes that night out at a loud bar doesn’t make for the best conversation or bonding experience. Instead of burning the midnight oil (who can stay up that late any more anyway?), swap ladies’ night for a full day of friend fun. Friends can spur you to change or avoid unhealthy habits, experts say, and many of these ideas for a girls’ day out incorporate a health boost, too! Mix and match these ideas to plan a day of bonding and adventure with a girlfriend or your whole group of pals. What could be more fun than a day of fun, fashion, food, friendship and fitness?

Read on for tons of fabulous ideas for a perfect girls’ day out! Erin 

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