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Mama Links: The Great Depression…Resources and Links!

splashing feet water

With help, you may feel like splashing around again! Credit: D Sharon Pruitt

When it comes to puns, nothing is off limits, depression included, so pardon that headline. Ahem. Moving on. This week we had lots of awesome content about depression. We can all learn a lot from other women who have been there, done that and come out on the other side. There is nothing worse than feeling like you’re alone and that you’re the only one who has felt depression, whether it’s postpartum depression or the garden-variety version. These resources will show you that you’re not alone. Some even find humor in the depressing.

Never shy about sharing details of her life, Heather Armstrong has been candid about her struggles with depression and postpartum depression. —Dooce

Depression doesn’t discriminate. It can hit even the funniest sites on the internet. —Hyperbole and a Half

Inpatient units for moms struggling with postpartum depression. —Time

If you think it’s postpartum depression, take this screening quiz. —Kellymom

Depression fact sheets for women. —U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health

Stars, they’re just like us. Gwyneth shares her struggles. —People

There’s the moment when you know you’re depressed. Sometimes, it’s crying over an icemaker. —The Stir

Postpartum-depression myths debunked. —The Stir

What good depression resources have you found online? Ever seen the funny in depression? —Erin

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