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Tuesday Pampering Week Giveaway: Artistry Skincare Products

artistry giveawayWe’re all about spoiling moms this week with our Pampering Week theme—because every mama needs a little TLC!

Another day, another awesome giveaway! I fell in love with Artistry when the company invited me to a product event in NYC, and I’m excited to share their products with you ladies! I know I’ve found my kids keep me young at heart but not so refreshed and young at face, so we’ve got two awesome products for you from Amway’s new Artistry Intensives Line, which are at-home alternatives to professional treatments. (Who has time for that anyway?!)

The two products up for grabs include Artistry Intensive Skincare Renewing Peel and Artistry Anti-Wrinkle Firming Serum (valued at $237.50). The peel targets signs of aging and improves the look and feel of skin texture, improves clarity, and reduces the appearance of age spots and fine lines, while the serum increases firmness and elasticity, softens lines and diminishes the appearance of wrinkles. What more could you want out of two products?

To enter, just comment below telling us how you stay young at heart! Winners will be chosen randomly in about a week. U.S. residents only, please! —Erin

If you don’t win but want to know more about the products, visit www.Amway.com/Artistry!


FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!