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Gilad Answers Our Questions—And Shares a Workout for a Busy Mom


Does this man age at all?

As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve been a longtime fan of Gilad. His workouts are always accessible and effective. He’s no fit mom, but he’s helped tons of moms get and stay fit, so today he weighs in on the importance of the core, how he keeps his workouts fresh after all these years and his favorite ab move of all time. Plus, he shares a quick workout any busy mom can fit in during the day!

Interview with Gilad Janklowicz

    • FBM: Your DVD series focuses on the abs. Why do you think this muscle group is so important?
    • GJ: The abs and core are the center of the body, and they are very important in stabilization and posture. More importantly, the core region transfers energy from the lower body to the upper body and from the upper body to the lower body. This transfer of energy happens with almost any activity we do, sports activities as well as everyday functional moves.
    • FBM: Your workouts on ESPN were some of my first workout experiences ever! How do you keep coming up with fresh ideas for workouts?
    • GJ: I enjoy fitness and enjoy coming up with new twists and ideas that keep everyone motivated and having fun. While the basic principles of fitness are always the same, there are many different ways to achieve them. One of my challenges and goals is to keep people interested in fitness and hope they will come back for more.
    • FBM: What does your typical workout week look like?
    • GJ: I usually workout five times a week, splitting my workouts between cardio-focused workouts and strength training. Other days, I will swim and do sprints or bike. I try to keep variety in my workouts.
    • FBM: What ab move is your all-time favorite?
    • GJ: For my money, the knee raises to the chest (while hanging from a bar) are the best overall exercise to target the entire abdominal region. However, this is not my favorite abdominal exercise because it is really hard…I enjoy the type of abs moves that I teach on my DVDs. They are easier to do but, if done correctly, are just as challenging.
    • FBM: Can you recommend a quick routine for a busy mom who only has 10 minutes to work out?
    • GJ: For a busy woman who has 10 minutes, I would recommend a very simple circuit of several exercises. Try to do three to four sets of the following: A. One minute of running in place combined with jumping jacks and high knee lifts (can be done low impact as well). B. Squats into a chair (20-30 reps) with arms extended forward and back as you raise up. C. Push ups—as many as you can do per set (beginners can be on their knees) D. Crunches on the floor and variations on crunches such as elbow to opposite knee. Try for a full minute varying between the two exercises.
    • FBM: You offer Kids in Motion DVDs. Any tips for getting kids and families active?
    • GJ: I find that kids love to move, as is obvious on my Kids DVDs.  It is important to show kids a good example and try to do activities with them that involve fitness games. I find that with kids it is easy. They naturally love to move and love to play. In fact, you will find that once you get them going, it will be hard to stop them…

A big thanks to Gilad for sharing his tips and tricks and for keeping it real! Any other Gilad fans out there? Don’t forget to enter to win his five-disc core set! —Erin

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