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It Can Be Done: 7 Tips for Distance Running with a Stroller

7 Stroller Strategies When Training for a Race

stroller moms

You can do distance when pushing a stroller! Credit: Serge Melki

1. Your stroller should be the right height for you.The handle should come to hand height when your arms are bent ninety degrees, like you’re running. If you’re extra tall or petite, be sure the handle is adjustable or you’ll sacrifice your form.

2. Watch form. Speaking of form, even though you’re pushing a load, your running form should be the same if you weren’t running: relaxed shoulders, not overly long stride, and extended spine and upright posture (avoid leaning from the hips). Keep your stroller close to you with slightly bent elbows, not at arm’s distance away. Sarah recommends having a one-handed grip on the stroller, and alternating hands every minute or so. When you head up or down a hill, be sure to keep your toes facing forward, and keep your footsteps quick and light at all times.

3. Safety matters. Keep you and your cargo safe: Use the safety strap at all times. Melissa, who is currently preggo and has a toddler, usually uses one hand, except for when she heads downhill. “Uphill, I like the challenge of one hand,” she says, “downhill, I like the security of two. That could all change, of course, when I push a double-wide.” (Hate to be the bearer of bad news, Melissa, but quite a bit more will change.)

4. Give your kid a goal. Tell him that you’re going to run to the end of the path, until he watches one episode of “The Backyardigans,” or until you get to the park. That will limit, but sadly not eliminate, the “Are we there yet?” queries. (Even McDonald’s can be the goal: One mother runner posted a picture on Facebook of her kids eating a Happy Meal as she ran. Obviously, you can’t turn to Ronald for every run, but we applaud her resourcefulness.)

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