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Mama Links: Pomegranate Salad, Behind the Scenes with Bob & More!

fall leaf

Credit: JustyCinMD

I hope fall is as stunning where you are as it is right now in New Jersey. Oh, the leaves. But if it’s not, please console yourself with these fun reads!

Find a little peace in your crazy days. —The Collective

Too simple to be delicious right? —Average Moms Wear Capes

 We love going behind the scenes with Bob Harper! —STUFT Mama

Roasted cauliflower and pomegranate salad. Interesting…and yummy looking! —fabfitfun

A checklist for your last days without baby. —Dear Baby

Xbox or Wii to get kids moving? —Time

Tina Fey, sleep deprived, still hilarious. —LilSugar

Have a happy Saturday! —Erin


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