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7 Tips to Get Out the Door for Smooth(er) Mornings

busy-mom-tips-585When it came to starting daycare, the thing I dreaded almost as much as leaving my kiddos was the rush out the door in the mornings. I’ll be the first to admit that I like my lazy mornings of lounging in our PJs before having to get dressed and ready for the day. But with a 7:30 a.m. drop-off time, lazy days could be no more. At least, not for two days of the week. Surprisingly, mornings have been going more smoothly than I thought they would. Here are some of my tips for getting out the door in the mornings, plus some from our Facebook mama friends!

7 Tips to Get Out the Door with Kids

1. Get dressed first. Get yourself ready as quickly as possible before the kid ball starts rolling. Bonus points if you manage to get out of bed and get dressed and ready before any of the kids make a peep. This moment of quiet is the perfect time to enjoy a few minutes of yoga or a hot cup of coffee in peace.

2. Divide and conquer. We love Jessica H.’s suggestion of just letting the hubby take care of it. But if you’re not so lucky to be able to do that or have more than one kid to wrangle, try the divide-and-conquer method. In our house, I get going with the boy’s diaper and outfit change while my husband starts herding my daughter where she needs to go and helping her get dressed.

3. Be ready to go the night before. Have as much prepped and ready to go the night before as you can. I have breakfast and lunch bagged and packed, including milks and water cups. Spare outfits, sheets, pacifiers….everything is accounted for, packed and ready. Take the extra time at bedtime to lay out clothes for the next day so that getting the kids dressed is a no-brainer.

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