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Eating Like a Cavewoman (With Texican Martinis!) in Austin: Part One

Guys, I just keep thinking back to my recent Austin trip to PaleoFX. Besides going over and over the notes I took at the conference—I have about a million books to read and sites to check out—I also just keep dreaming of Austin’s food scene. Too, too many good food trucks and restaurants and bars and not enough time. Here’s what I noshed on the very first full day of my trip, and the first day of the conference!
Up and at ’em early, my travel buddy Sheryl whipped up some veggie-and-protein-amazingness to get our Paleo day started right. We’re talking thick turkey bacon and eggs scrambled with zucchini and topped with green salsa. Also, note the mug of teecino (we’ll be doing a full review soon—but, spoiler alert: it’s amazing and not coffee) with vanilla coconut creamer. Heaven.
Bellies full, we headed to the expo center. Oh, look at you, pretty Austin!
We got there with plenty of time to check out all of the vendors and so forth, which although I’ve already discussed in detail, should bear repeating because, well, it was like second-breakfast. My consumption of ghee alone would make fourth-mealers everywhere proud.
After sitting in a bunch of sessions and learning so much I thought my head might explode (in a good way), we hit up the mecca of health foodies everywhere: the original Whole Foods. Just look at her. Beautiful.
This place is enormous. I saw so many products that I’d never even heard of. The produce section was ridic. And the prepared food? Well, let’s just say that I could eat there forever. There are about a million options, plus a beer and wine bar (people have dates there)—and a kombucha bar. Yes, give me my kombucha on tap! (I’ve since learned they just add kombucha taps to my local Kansas City Whole Foods—victory!)
kombucha-barWhile there, I made a salad the size of my head and with everything (aka Jenn-style), and sipped on strawberry kombucha. I also bought about $80 worth of groceries. For, you know, four days—of just snacks. I might have a problem. Oh, and salad eaten outside. In the warm sunshine!
After our fit foodie pilgramage to the Whole Foods Mothership, we went back to the conference and learned a whole lot more. And am I glad we gave our brains more glucose—’cause that’s when we heard the amazing Dr. Terry Wahls tell her story of overcoming MS and Robb Wolf spoke about literally creating an entirely new way to do health care—functional medicine. Amazeballs.
Fast forward a few hours later (and a Quest Bar), and we were ready to eat again. Our gracious hosts Ale and Mike took us to one of their favorite haunts: Freddie’s Place. A little campy and super fun, I loved it.
The place—like so many in Austin—had a fabulous outdoor eating area and stage.
And I have a serious OBSESSION with the big trees in Austin. I couldn’t stop talking about them and taking photos of them.
And requesting that we also be in photos with them. (Ale, Sheryl, me from left to right.)
We had planned to sit outside, but it started raining a bit, so we took cover inside. Thankfully, the Texican Martini was waiting for us.
texan margarita
Along with the Grilled Fish Tacos with sauteed veggies…oh, yes, please.
fish tacos
The day wasn’t totally Paleo in the food department, but in my gusto for Austin, I was totally primal. All the time.
Ever been to Austin? Live there? What’s your fave place? And don’t worry, ya’ll—I have another post cookin’ from my travels! —Jenn

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