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5 Healthy Cooking Tips

healthy-cooking-tips-585Ever notice how all those celeb chefs on TV make healthy cooking look so effortless? Their kitchen isn’t cluttered with ingredients and dirty dishes; everything is already cut, measured and prepped, neatly lined up, making their cooking space just look so dang tidy.

Your culinary attempts, however, leave your kitchen looking worse than Bourbon Street after Mardi Gras. What is up with that? Well, first off they are pros—one would hope they would have it down to an exact science by now. But more importantly, they are applying one of the first principles taught to the budding chef apprentice—mise en place. French translation: to put in place. And having everything in its place is our top healthy cooking tip.

Personally, I like to prep in the morning so that when dinnertime rolls around all my ingredients are ready to go. That way, if time is short, there is no temptation to order a pizza. Just reach in the fridge, pull out your pre-washed, cut and measured ingredients, relax, pour yourself a glass of wine and get to cooking, a la Julia Child.

Mise en place still sound overwhelming? No worries—we have five healthy cooking tips here that make it SO MUCH easier! —Karen

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