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Nursing On-the-Go With Undercover Mama Tanks


The Undercover Mama comes in lots of fun colors!

No matter how much the benefits of breastfeeding are touted, it seems like there is a new story every day about someone getting in the way of a nursing mom. A new video is making the rounds of a breastfeeding mom getting told that she needed to cover up. (Just FYI: Laws protect nursing moms, so you’re welcome to nurse anywhere you’re allowed to be!) I thought I’d counter the breastfeeding bummer story with a product that makes it easier for moms to nurse in public: Undercover Mama.


The Undercover Mama tank connects to any bra for easy nursing on the go!.

While moms don’t need to cover up to nurse in public, a lot of moms feel more comfortable wearing clothes that will let them nurse discreetly. And in those early nurse-24/7 months with an infant, breastfeeding moms know that boob access at all times is an absolute necessity. One of the problems I had with my nursing wardrobe was that I got sick of layering my nursing bra with my nursing tanks. It was twice the clips to undo when I needed to feed the baby, and twice the annoyance. The Undercover Mama tank does away with that double trouble.

Designed by a mom (of course), it’s a strapless nursing tank that connects to any bra. The long cut of the tank lets you have torso coverage while you nurse and still wear all your favorite fashions (if you somehow make it out of the yoga pants, which, kudos!). I haven’t tried it myself, but it’s a super simple idea that I will certainly investigate should I ever want to go for (and nurse) a third baby. You can clip it to any bra (not just nursing bras), so you can still wear it once you’ve stopped nursing. With 13 colors to choose from plus two lace trim options, you can coordinate your tanks with style.

So if you’re not ready to whip it out in public and prefer just a little more coverage, check out this great option. At just under $25, it won’t break the bank, either! —Erin

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