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Bye-Bye #FatShamingWeek, Hello Body Confidence Week

Most of the time, I love the internet. You can Google any malady and know you’re not alone. You can get inspired or be entertained reading dozens of articles about the Breaking Bad finale (not that I did that or anything). You can recycle your phone book upon receiving it on your front porch to make room on your shelf for more important things, because anything you need to know can be found on the internet with a few clicks.

And sometimes I hate the internet. Like when trolls viciously spew negativity for no reason. And when people start twitter hashtags like #fatshamingweek. Or when those who start stupid hashtags like that needlessly pick on people online. I don’t know what ever happened to “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all,” but the internet has brought out bullies and trolls and given them a platform for negativity that is really unnecessary.

Because all of that negativity made me angry, I decided to support a call for Body Confidence Week by posting my top body confidence moments over on Babble — moments when I loved my body without hesitation. Read on for one of my favorite bad-ass moments and click on through for more.


Running A 10K



Finishing the 10K was a proud moment!

I don’t consider myself much of a distance runner, but running my first 10K last year made me so proud of myself and what my body could accomplish. I had trained and battled through a hurt knee, so it felt pretty awesome when I crossed that finish line feeling good. (That’s me, second from right and very proud of my medal!)

Continue reading for more of my top body confidence moments. Can you point to a moment when you were super proud of your body and all it could do? Share it below! —Erin


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