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You’ve Got 5 Minutes, Right?


In training for my Tough Mudder, I’ve been doing anything and everything to whip my rear into gear. I recently shared a Workout I Did over on Fit Bottomed Girls, which used my new favorite app: Hot5. I’m a bit partial to it because a former personal trainer of mine is one of the masterminds behind it, and it brings back good (and painful!) memories of her kicking my butt into great shape.

In my unbiased opinion, though, it’s a great app. Workouts consist of five moves in five minutes, so you can do one or more depending on how much time you have. Five minutes may not seem like much, but once you do one of these workouts, you’ll be convinced you’ll see improvements. The videos move quickly from one move to the next, and you can unlock more workouts as you earn points. I love that kind of format for motivation.

Check out my Workout I Did (complete with vacuuming warm-up, seriously), and then go check out the app yourself if you’re a mama with a need for speed(y workouts).

Got any favorite fitness apps I can add to my collection? Don’t keep it to yourself! —Erin

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