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5 Food-Related Resolutions That Actually Work

Resolution #4: Eat only real food.

Credit: thenext28days, Flickr

If you can’t pronounce it, it’s probably not good for you. Credit: thenext28days, Flickr

Yes, it is time to give the chemically processed foods the boot. I agree that some of them are convenient, but I will always forfeit convenience over taste and, ultimately, health. Get picky about what you buy and read those labels.
Just because the Department of Health and Human Services classifies Butylated Hydroxyanisole, a petroleum-derived preservative, as edible, that doesn’t mean you should eat it. They also have “reasonably anticipated (the same chemical) to be a human carcinogen.” The risk is not worth it.
Homemade doesn’t have to be a hassle. There are plenty of basic recipes that don’t require a culinary degree to prepare. For example, the next time you are tempted to purchase one of those frozen Frisbees (aka frozen pizza), check out the list of chemical goodness on the package and then try this foolproof, make-at-home pizza recipe instead. I guarantee you’ll love it.
We all schedule our workouts and set aside time in our day for them, so treat your meals with the same respect. Good food doesn’t just happen, so take the extra time to plan and you will be rewarded with nutritious, better-tasting meals.

Resolution #5: Say good-bye to the Happy Meal.

Credit: The Consumerist, Flickr

Break the fast-food habit. Credit: The Consumerist, Flickr

There is no way to sugarcoat this one. Fast food sucks and most of the time it isn’t really that fast. Scout out a local deli or brown bag it; whatever it takes. Restaurants that cater to the evening crowd often offer great lunch specials at reduced prices.
Meals from fast-food joints have nothing going for them, especially taste. Once you’ve re-trained your taste buds to recognize good food this one will easily fall by the wayside. In the meantime, limit yourself to one fast food restaurant a week.
The last time I pulled up to a take out window was in 2009 on a road trip, and I don’t miss it one bit. Really.
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr, said, “The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving.”
Be proud of any changes you make in your diet. Change comes slowly over time, but it does come.
Now go run that marathon!
Tell us about the changes and healthy resolutions you’re making. Do you find them difficult? —Karen

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