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A Disagreement in a Modern Romance: Paper vs. Digital


I’m always at odds with technology. I both love it for its convenience and hate it for sometimes taking over my life. I fully admit I pull out my phone too frequently when I’m bored, and I have so many pictures that I don’t even know how to start organizing my digital life. (In my defense, it takes a lot of takes to get two young kids to cooperate for a photo at the same time!) I love the iPad for entertaining the kids when I absolutely need a moment to do something, but hate the drama it causes between those kids and when I take it away. Oh, the tears!

My husband is always pushing the new technology; if it were up to me, I’d probably still have the computer I was using back in 2005, and a cell phone that doesn’t have internet access. I remember only doing online banking at his urging — but talk about a life-changing and time-saving way to deal with bills. But as much as I love the convenience of the iPad and my smartphone and technology my husband has encouraged, I’m old fashioned when it comes to reading and working crosswords. And I do love a new notebook or stack of Post-Its. So I can totally relate to this mom’s pro-paper life. And I especially love her revenge. (What, a revenge-themed video isn’t appropriate for Valentine’s Day?)

Can’t see the video? Click here to watch a couple at odds with paper and technology philosophies.

Do you have a love/hate with technology, too? Still need non-digital toilet paper? —Erin

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