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Tuesday Giveaway: Fit Bottomed Prize Pack!

With Mother’s Day just around the corner, we wanted to spoil the mamas out there with a few fun giveaways this week! Stay tuned all week for fun prizes. See them all here.

Seeing as it’s book day and all (national holiday, it should be), it only seemed fitting that I put together a prize pack and include a copy of the book for a lucky winner!


It’s not an official copy — I only have one of those at the moment and it was accidentally left in Kansas City in Jenn’s custody when I was there for the FBG PowHer event. But it’s an uncorrected proof copy that will give you all of the great content with the added fun of trying to spot any typos we missed the first fives times we edited the book!

In addition to the world’s greatest book, you’ll also get:

Stott Pilates Towel Workout for Strength & Mobility

Element Intro to Yoga

Patricia Friberg’s Power 4 Pink Workout (Cardio, Strength, Pilates and Balance)

Leslie Sansone’s Walk to the Hits: Party Songs

Dance Off the Inches: Latin Cardio Party

It’s a batch with a good mix of fitness fun, but if you just so happen to have one of the prize DVDs already or have an aversion to a particular genre (like yoga makes you break out in hives or dancing gives you nightmares), just let me know — I may be able to swap one out if needed!

Just comment below telling me which DVD most tickles your fancy and how much you’re DYING to read the book, and we’ll choose one lucky winner in about a week. U.S. residents only, please.

And if you don’t win, don’t forget you can get the book wherever books are sold … Erin

FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!