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Holiday Gift Guide: Foodie Finds

foodie giftsSometimes it feels like the holiday season revolves around food, but that’s even more true for foodies. Sure, there are the family meals and the festive party foods, but for true foodies, some of the best gifts come in the form of food, drinks and all the goodies that come with them.
We shared quite a few great healthy foodie gifts last year, and this year, we’re back with plenty of fabulous finds, some of which feature fantastic health properties, and some of which are definitely indulgent and probably best thoroughly enjoyed in moderation.

FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!