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Jewelry With Secret Aromatherapy Powers

aromatherapyI have an energizing secret, guys. And it’s CUTE.


See that necklace right there? It’s actually a portal to a whole realm of possibilities, including “Calm,” “Focus” and — my fave — “Energy”. It may just look like a cute pendant …


But with just a simple twist …


The Cor Pendant releases essential oils! And I love it. It’s like my little aromatherapy secret. Just waiting to be used whenever I need its super powers.

How the Cor Pendant Works

So, seriously. This is pretty genius. Within the pendant is a replaceable wick that has an aromatherapy fragrance oil blend in it. So all you do is twist, smell and get all those aromatherapy benefits. Each Cor Pendant comes with three blends: Calm (roman chamomile, neroli, rosalina, linaloe berry, lavender), Focus (basil, cardamom, grapefruit essence, sweet orange) and Energy (rosemary, peppermint, green mandarin, lemon). And besides all smelling fabulous, they really do have a way of helping you to relax, get settled or get pumped up.

The wicks are designed so that you can even easily swap different ones in and out throughout the day if you want. Although I have to say that I can’t pull myself away from Energy. I might be addicted. It really is like having aromatherapy with you whenever you want and wherever you go with just a simple twist of your way cute necklace.

Cor Pendant Review

The Cor Pendant is sold online for $125 and comes in gold, rose gold (what I have) or silver. So, it is a bit of a splurge, but it really is a high-quality and elegant piece of jewelry that also gives you the health benefits of aromatherapy in a really convenient way. I have to say, before wearing the Cor Pendant I’d be stressed or feeling tired and it would never dawn on me to bust out some essential oils. But now that I have this around my neck, it’s not just a way to help me improve my mood or energy levels, but it’s a reminder to use aromatherapy, period.

I’m all about working more zen into my day in easy and doable ways and this certainly fits the bill. I mean, traffic? Stuck in line? On hold for a ridiculously long time? Feel like you need another cup of coffee but don’t really want another cup of coffee? Cor Pendant to the rescue!

Do you use aromatherapy at all? Do you own any products with secret superpowers like this? —Jenn

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