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5 Ways to Make Bathtime Even More Fun

Remember — pre-kids — when bathtime used to be like more like this?


And, now, well, they’re a little more like this:


Or this:


Us, too. So, to make them a little more like this:


We give you these tips on how to make bathtime a little more fun for everyone.

1. Read books together.

Everyone loves a reading a good book — and kids are no different. There are a number of water-friendly books on the market for different age ranges, but lately we’ve really enjoyed Bath Time! by Sandra Boynton and (“Scrub the piggy, you know how!”) some of these Baby Bibi bath books (Happy Fruits, shown above) that we were recently sent. Both are written for babies and toddlers, but my three-and-a-half-year-old loves to flip through the pages and read the books to me. Pretty adorable.

2. Create a special playlist.

If you do a quick search on Spotify (and, hey, while you’re there, follow us for workout playlists!), you’ll find a ton of different bathtime-themed songs and playlists to choose from. Or! Do as we do, and create your own playlist based on some of your kiddo’s fave songs from the radio, TV shows, and musicals. Songs to avoid? “Who Let the Dogs Out.” ASK ME HOW I KNOW.

3. Turn play into learning.

Baby Bibi also sent us some of its numbers and letters which are GREAT for bathtime fun (also great in a kiddie pool, if you’ve got the weather for it). We spend lots of time matching colors, talking about and lining up numbers and letters, and seeing what fun words we can spell out. They stick really well to our bathtub and shower wall — and, once we paired them with a few extras from Paw Patrol (that you can see above) — it was love at first “stick” for our daughter. If you’re looking for even more educational toys, check out Yookidoo — we haven’t personally tried them out yet, but they look hella cool.

4. Let them pick the products.

Kids love to be in charge, so instead of going shopping for them, let them be part of the bath-product choosing process! Yes, it might take longer in Target and mean that you have to smell approximately 28 different types of shampoos and soaps, BUT, once they make a decision, they will be delighted to use it in the bathtub. (Well, that’s true at least 75 percent of the time because KIDS.)

5. Surprise them.

That said, surprises are always fun! Baylis & Harding sent us the above foaming bath goos (with a little figurine toy in each container), and my daughter has gotten a kick out of seeing what surprise each one has in it. They also have a Bubble Blowing Kit, 7 Days of Fun Bubbles Pack, 5-Piece Body Wash Set, and a printed Wash Mitt. Might make for some good surprise stocking stuffers, too …

How do you make bathtime more fun? —Jenn

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