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Almond Butter and Chocolate Candy Recipe

almond butter chocolate candy
Are you a big Valentine’s Day fan? To be honest, I’m not. I fully appreciate the sentiment of showing those close to you (and, of course, yourself) some extra love, but I can’t get down with it just being centered on a day. I want to show — and be shown — that kind of affection all the time! I’d rather get flowers because my partner knows I’ve had a rough day or receive a card in the mail just because a friend happened to be thinking about me than get any of those things just because it’s February 14.
That being said, I do not judge anyone who loves going all out for Valentine’s Day. Heck, I have no problem celebrating the heck out of basically every other holiday — I just don’t happen to love this one. So, if V-Day is your thing, I truly hope you do it up!
Whether you’re planning to bombard the love of your life (or yourself) with hearts and flowers and other goodies this holiday or you’d rather wait to show your adoration on another date, I’ve got just the treat for you from our affiliate friends at Grokker: an almond butter chocolate candy recipe. It’s perfect for Valentine’s Day or any day, especially if you have a chance to share the finished product with someone you love. (One note — it’s a longer video than usual, coming in at close to 20 minutes, but if you’re interested in making some tasty candy with a superfood twist, you won’t want to miss it!)

Almond Butter Chocolate Candy Recipe

Almond Butter and Chocolate Candy Recipe
Recipe type: Dessertalmond butter chocolate candy
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 20
Make your own nut butter cups with a superfood twist!
  • 1 cup of coconut oil, heated
  • ½ cup raw carob powder
  • ½ cup raw cacao
  • 1 tsp keltic sea salt *course grounded, You can use any sea salt you want.
  • 1 & ½ cup of almond butter
  • ½ cup raw honey
  • ⅔ cup grounded raw cashews
  • 4 teaspoon maca root
  • 1 teaspoon grounded rose pedals
  • 2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 4 tablespoon of maple syrup
  1. In a heated pan with heated water inside place a bowl to melt the coconut butter till you have 1 cup of coconut butter. In another bowl add in ½ cup of raw carob powder and ½ cup of raw cacao and mix it well together. Once mixed add in 1 tsp of keltic sea salt or any kind of sea salt and then pour the heated coconut oil and mix well together.
  2. Once it is mixed well together and it a liquid chocolate consistency pour it back into pyrex cup which was warmed in the pan hot bath. Now take the mixture and pour them into the silicon molds. Fill in to cover the base of the mold not too much. Now place them in the freezer to set for 10 minutes or in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Keep the rest of the chocolate in the chocolate bath to keep it a liquid consistency.
  3. Now let's make the almond butter center. Take the 1 & ½ cup of butter and add in ½ cup of raw honey. Put some coconut oil in if you feel as if the almond butter is too tough. Add in ⅔ cups of grounded raw cashews and 4 tsp of macs root. Finish off with 1 tsp of grounded rose pedals and mix well together. Add more melted coconut oil if it is tough to mix together.
  4. Take out the chocolate mold from the freezer or refrigerator and now place the almond butter on top of the chocolate base in the mold. Give the chocolate mixture in the hot bath a quick stir and then pour it on top of the almond butter in the chocolate mold. Pour just enough to cover the almond butter. Put them in the refrigerator for another 20 minutes to set. After 20 minutes turn over the mold and pop out your almond butter cups and your ready to serve them!

Do you often make your own candy? I don’t, but this has me feeling like I might need to give it a try! How bad can it be, really, right?Kristen

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