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What Are You Reading?

Young woman reading a book lying in hammock
Usually, when I pull these fun Friday foodie links together, I focus on some recipes and, you know, actual food-related topics. Today, I’m mixing it up with a few essays and some deeper reads that I think you’re really going to enjoy. And if you’ve come across a great read lately, let’s hear it in the comments!
This woman beat up a robber with bacon and it’s everything you’d want it to be. —Bustle
I suppose Julia Child would know a thing or two about arranging a kitchen. —Lit Hub
If you have not yet caught Sara Benincasa’s response to a man who asked her about her weight gain, I mean, you should just drop everything you’re doing right now and read it immediately. —Medium
So, this is bonkers. Not that I wouldn’t love to get a reservation, but still. —The New Yorker
Are you a coffee pod person? Maybe you want to rethink that. —xoJane
Related: What’s the best book you’ve read this summer? I’m in the middle of All the Light We Cannot See and so far it’s everything I hoped it would be! —Kristen

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