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A Made-for-TV Baby Belly on The Office

I always wonder how they make women look pregnant on TV shows. Sure, sometimes the women are actually expecting and they work that into the story line, like Pam on The Office. Other times, the actress isn’t pregnant and they must make her look so to fit the story, like Angela on The Office. Here Angela Kinsey, who plans Angela, discusses what it takes to get that belly bump. I love how she’s totally sweet and funny and way different from her aloof character on the show.

Angela’s Baby Bump: Part 1

Can’t see the video? Click here for Angela’s behind-the-scenes baby bump details!

Angela’s Baby Bump: Part 2

Can’t see the video? Click here for Angela’s behind-the-scenes baby bump details!

I did have a sneaking suspicion that it would be slightly less comfortable than pregnancy itself. But at least it comes off, and she can get a good night’s sleep! —Erin

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