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Does Certain Fitness Gear Make You Feel More Fit?

fitness gear

Does the right fitness gear help you run faster? Credit: lululemon athletica

I know it seems a little superficial, but I’ll be the first to admit that when I put on a certain pair of shoes or running tights—or specialty sunglasses—I actually feel more like an athlete. I’m more apt to take on that tough workout or push my pace a little faster or even zen out a little more. In some ways, the fitness gear I’m wearing totally affects my confidence. And as I’ve worn more fitness-specific (and colorful!) gear, I’ve become even more confident in my abilities. For sure, it’s not always a cause-and-effect relationship; I sincerely doubt in most cases that the gear itself is giving me a better workout. But if you feel fitter when you wear it, then who cares? Do what makes you feel good! At least that’s my take. What do you think?

Can’t see the poll? Click here to tell us how fitness gear affects your workouts

As always, give us your perspective in the comments. Would love to hear your take on this one! —Jenn


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