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What’s Most Important to You When It Comes to Your Food?


How do you choose your food? Are calories most important? Or taste? Or presentation? Credit: TheBusyBrain

We sure have been talking about food a lot lately. From a post on eating for energy to Erin’s thoughts on mini-meals to why Kristen doesn’t eat meat and this Robin Miller recipe and cookbook review, I guess it is the season for noshing, eh? While reading all of these posts, we started to wonder: What is it that drives you to eat the food that you do? Is it solely based on taste or how it makes you feel? Or does it have to do with family traditions (especially this time of year the pie is calling my name!) or something else entirely—like calories, carbs or fat?

We recommend all good things in moderation up in here, which pretty much allows you to eat whatever you like, as long as you listen to your hunger and choose healthy foods most of the time. While when we started the site I’d say that I’d mostly choose foods that tasted decent and were low in calories, I’ve switched to eating foods that make me feel good about 90 percent of the time. (I include chocolate and wine in that grouping, for the record.) What about you though? How do you decide what goes in your belly?

Can’t see the poll? Click here to tell us what’s most important about your food here

Excited to hear your thoughts on this, so please be sure to leave a comment telling us more about what’s important to you about your food and why! —Jenn


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