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Tips for Twin Moms, from Twin Moms: Part 2

Getting Me Time

multitasking moms

It’s understandable if you’re frazzled. Carve out some me time! Credit: StarMama

Use part of their nap as time for yourself even if it’s just 15 minutes….it goes a long way. —Margie

I enjoy a few things to do alone, and I make appointments in advance to do so, and I warn my husband that he is on daddy duty. He rarely complains. Manicures, pedicures, facials and even date night are no longer spontaneous, but we plan. When we want to see a movie, we put the boys to bed and my mom (who we share a home with) listens for them while she does her own thing in the house. It’s never an issue. My favorite activity (aside from jogging) is to read. I read after the boys are in bed, and I enjoy the quiet. You have to make some time for you or you will go crazy, I don’t care if you have two children or none. Being you for a while is healthy. —Jennifer P.

ASK FOR HELP! You don’t have to be super woman. I was afraid to ask for help, and I often feel guilty about being away from the boys because I work full time. But sometimes you need help. Having two babies to care for is draining in every way. It’s not easy and it’s not always fun, but it is very rewarding. Asking someone to sit with them while you shower, food shop, get a pedicure, go for a walk, etc., is healthy. I try and do these things during nap time so daddy and grandma really just have to listen for them, but it’s not always possible. —Jennifer P.

Other Twin Tips
Take deep breaths in stressful situations. Think of it as a moment within your dayit will pass. —Margie

SHOP AROUND. Needing two of everything is expensive, but there are many rewards programs and discounts. Just ask! —Jennifer P.

Talk with other moms of multiples. Get advice. Share tips. Make play dates. Having twins is not like having two children of different ages, and only moms of other twins can appreciate how different it truly is and how rewarding. —Jennifer P.

How to Help a Twin Mom

I think the hardest part is getting them on a schedule. I would suggest (with any number of children) to not stop over unannounced, don’t call to “check in.” When you do talk to a new mom, ask if they need anything from the supermarket, need help with a doctor visit, need a few minutes to unwind. Be positive and provide encouragement. I had very supportive friends and family, but the phone ringing can hinder mommy getting some zzz’s while babies are sleeping. —Jennifer P.

A big thanks to our twin moms for taking the time out of their super-busy lives to share their experiences! Share your twin tips below, and be sure to stay tuned for more multiple mania. Tomorrow: A workout DVD starring triplets! —Erin

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