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Four Things Erin Couldn’t Live (or Be Fully Healthy) Without

This week FBG is celebrating its four-year birthday! Dang, we’re old. To help with the festivities, this week each FBG is focusing on the number “four” by answering the question: What four things could you not live (and be healthy) without?

Female walking outdoors in running shoes from behind ** Note: Shallow depth of field

Like Jenn said, you can just assume that my favorite healthy foods go without saying. I’m not givin’ those suckers up! In addition to those? Well, here you go!

4 Things I Couldn’t Be Healthy Without

1. Workout DVDs. I’ve already professed my love for the workout DVD. They’re just so convenient, versatile and you can get any type of workout you want. It helps that we get so many DVDs to review, but I had a growing collection even before this site came into existence!

2. Zumba. I love my Zumba. I love most group exercises classes, really, but Zumba has proven to be the most fun for me.

3. My family. What’s more motivating than trying to be healthy for your kids? And what’s more fun than going to the park together or running around the backyard? Or having your toddler request more broccoli? Seriously.

4. My walkable neighborhood. Sure, I could be healthy without my neighborhood, but it sure helps! I love being able to walk to run almost all of my errands and pack the kiddos up for strolls around the neighborhood. Pretty houses, a cute downtown, parks within walking distance. Ahhh…

What healthy items could you not give up? —Erin

FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!