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Four Things Kristen Couldn’t Live (or Be Fully Healthy) Without


This is my bike. And I love her. Credit: Kristen Seymour

This week FBG is celebrating its four-year birthday! Dang, we’re old. To help with the festivities, this week each FBG is focusing on the number “four” by answering the question: What four things could you not live (and be healthy) without?

When I think about the factors in my life that help me stay healthy, well, there are a lot more than four. If I really broke them down, there are easily more than 40, really. And I don’t think that’s terribly abnormal.

But, when it comes to the things that are truly life-altering, the list certainly gets smaller. At least, small enough to try to get the major players on this list!

4 Things I Couldn’t Be Healthy Without

1. A good pair of shoes. Running long(-ish) distances makes high-quality kicks an absolute must, but even for shorter jogs, comfortable, supportive shoes make a major difference. I always knew this to be the case, but after developing plantar fasciitis a few years ago, I couldn’t deny that the right shoes were probably the biggest factor in preventing injury. I don’t even walk the dogs without putting on some decent kicks these days.

2. My support crew. Okay, maybe this is cheating just a bit, but it’s true, and it’s all-encompassing. My support crew is varied—it includes my parents who encouraged me to be an athlete, my husband who puts up with my endless FBG chatter, my dogs who are always ready to run, my training buddies and group runners and swim classes who hold me accountable, and, last but not least, Twitter, where I turn more often than I care to admit to get someone to light a fire under my butt. And, of course, that would also include this community. I find I push a little harder when I know I’m going to have to tell you all about it!

3. My watch(-es). Not every workout requires close clock-watching, but I work a lot harder when I’m working toward a goal. I have my Timex Ironman for counting laps and intervals, and an old-school, hand-me-down Garmin Forerunner that I use to track distance and speed. I’m a fan of the idea that I can do anything for ___ minutes/meters/etc. My watches help me do just that, and, once again, they hold me accountable. I can’t fool it into thinking my time is up when it’s not.

4. My bike. I’m far from being a bicycle commuter—I’m still not super comfortable riding too far on the road. But my darling bike is great for quick commutes to areas nearby, and it’s a form of exercise I’ll eagerly take part in for a couple of hours on a Sunday morning, even if it’s hot out. Plus, it allows me to participate in triathlons, which might be number five on this list, if I were allowed to do that, Jenn. Oh well, maybe next year.

You might notice that there are no foods on there, and believe me, it’s not because there weren’t any I wanted to include. I just couldn’t possibly pick just one, or even one group. How about you? Do your four things lean more toward diet or fitness? —Kristen

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