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Tips to Add Mediterranean Flair to Your Meals and Make Them Kid-Friendly

Tips for Making Family-Friendly Mediterranean Meals


Grate carrots to add to dishes your kids already enjoy! Credit: John-Morgan

4. Keep healthy snacks on hand. Stock your pantry with a selection of nuts and dried fruit for healthy snacks and as ingredients for trail mix. Buy a large bag of unsalted peanuts in the shell and put a handful in a zip-lock bag.

5. Eat those veggies. Encourage your kids to eat vegetables every day.
• Add veggies to the foods your kids already like. If pancakes are popular, add some grated carrots, or shredded zucchini to the batter. Toss frozen peas and corn with pasta or mac and cheese. Or add diced sautéed onions, peppers and feta to scrambled eggs.
• Experiment with different cooking methods, too. Kids often prefer a raw or roasted carrot to a steamed one. Eggplant that is sliced, brushed with olive oil and lightly browned on both sides under the broiler may have more appeal than when it is sautéed—and soft. Try serving potatoes as healthy, oven-baked fries rather than mashed with butter and cream.

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