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Who’s on Tish’s Personal Health Professional Wish List?

zen, budha, tranquil, peace, calm, health professional wish list, dreamer,dreams

I’ll take a side of zen, please. Credit: mhiguera

A few weeks back, one of our fave bloggers Peanut Butter Fingers posed a really good question: If you could have any sort of personal health professional, who would you choose? Since last month we talked fitness bucket lists for our Question of the Week, this time, we decided to tackle this slightly different twist on our wish lists. Read each Friday for our answers!

Like Jenn, I love me some dreaming. I’m a Pisces for goodness’ sake! I live for dreams! (I am, after all, a gal living in Los Angeles as an actress in waiting.) For me, dreaming up a personal health professional was as easy as a 10-second jog. Limiting it to just one professional was the hard part. If I didn’t have to cook; I wouldn’t, and I rely on the expertise of others to help me with good meal plans, so I obviously need help in the kitchen. Then there’s the old massage therapists that make my world a better place (queue Michael Jackson’s Heal the World now.) I have a trainer (thank God for my boyfriend!), so that’s about the only thing I could knock off the list. So, you’d think I was pretty much doomed to walk the planet without a health-professional genie granting my wish.

You’d assume. But never assume! Once a month I go to this fabulous, magical woman named Senaida for a zen-like fix. I call my appointments with her “Saturday bliss days with the Magic Woman” and not a person close to me laughs it off because they’re all aware of her wonderful gifts. I go to her place at Salon Sessions for my eyebrow and lip waxes, as well as my facials and massages. She gives the best freaking massages, and then does this sound/bell thing to me at the end that I swear takes me to another dimension. When my eyes are closed, I start to see ripples of light. It’s hard to explain, but Jenn can attest to the magic that goes on in that room. (I’ve treated her to some of the magic before.)

It doesn’t matter if Senaida’s ripping out the uni-brow or treating me to an hour-long massage, I leave feeling like I’m walking on clouds. Calm washes over me, and I swear you might even catch me throwing up peace signs from time-to-time. It’s THAT magical.

If Senaida were my own health professional genie—put in my life daily to take away the stresses and annoyances—I’d be on Ghandi’s level. That much happiness can’t be bottled in. If I were in a pageant and asked how I’d achieve world peace I’d say, “Clone Senaida. Give one of her to each person in the world.” Then I’d snap my fingers in the air (diva-style) and walk off the stage.

Do you have someone in your life that makes you feel that way? Ever been to a massage therapist who uses nontraditional techniques to cure your common funks? Need a magic woman like Senaida? Zen-licious lovers like me are curious to know! —Tish


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