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Review: Just Dance 3 for Kinect



just dance

There have been a few reviews, like this review of Just Dance 3 for the Xbox 360 that I’ve put off because of the age-old “I don’t have time” excuse. At first, it was legitimate: It came in the mail right when my son was born. But then it kept getting put off. But no longer! This week I finally popped the game into my Xbox, and now I’m kicking myself for not doing it way sooner.

My Kinect is sadly under-used, but here is a reminder if you want to know why they’re awesome and why you should totally get one (and here’s another one). And now I’ll tell you why you should add Just Dance 3 (or the latest fourth version, which just came out recently) to your game collection. I threw it in the other day when I was down to just one kiddo (thank you, child-care swap), and I took on the dance party while my son rolled around on the floor. I basically sweat and smiled non-stop.

If you’re looking to get more cardio in your life but get sick of the standard workout DVD fare, this is cardio excellence that does not seem like work because it’s so much fun. Plus, it will make you also feel like the pop star you always wanted to be.

just dance kinect

You can pick songs individually to dance to or pick a preset playlist. The avatar instructor on the screen dances and you follow, trying to match the moves as closely as possible. The great thing is that it’s not workout moves disguised as dance moves. It’s real, fun, funky, modern—and sometimes retro—dance moves. Like Zumba, in my head I was awesome even if my hips didn’t necessarily cooperate, and I love the feedback feature that tells you if you match the instructor, even if I frequently didn’t. I also love that you get a score and can replay a song once you know the dance to improve (and sweat more). It’s like an interactive dance-instruction party.

I busted out my sick Britney moves to “Baby One More Time,” lassoed my horse to “Apache (Jump On It)” and pumped it with the Black Eyed Peas. The music selection is really fun, with a great mix. The game also lets you play a multi-player dance session, so you could compete with friends or family at the same time. You’re guaranteed to laugh and sweat.

Bonus? My son was mesmerized by the music and bright, dancing cartoon figures, buying me a good 30 minutes of cardio!

FBG Rating (Out of 5):
Instruction: ★★★
Long-Term Likeability:★★★★★
Music: ★★★★
Fun Factor: ★★★★★
Meets Expectations: ★★★★

Overall: ★★★★1/2

Fit Bottomed Line: If you’re looking for a fun active video game, add this one to your repertoire. You will have a blast, and it’s a serious workout!

Have you done a video game workout? Think it’s as fun as I do? —Erin

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