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Fit Fuel: Halibut Recipe With Giant Couscous

Looking for a healthy and tasty yet quick halibut recipe? Well, certainly. Of course you are. What a silly question. And good news: we have it for you today! Alan Murchison—celebrity blogger for Realbuzz.com, avid runner and Michelin-starred chef (we’ll go ahead and call him a Fit Bottomed Dude!)—has created a fantastic evening halibut recipe for all fitness fans (especially runners!) looking for the right kinds of foods to support their fit endeavors.
“This is a very clean and simple meal to produce, high in complex carbohydrates (the couscous contains 70 grams of carbohydrate for every 100 grams), and the fish is rich in protein and low in fat,” Murchison says. “The couscous can be prepared in advance. The fish could be replaced with tinned tuna or salmon for a really simple alternative. It serves four, and tastes delicious.”
We can’t wait to try it, Mr. Murchison! So, say hello to one heck of a tasty halibut recipe… (And feel free to use this converter if you need help getting grams to ounces!)

Fillet of Halibut with Giant Couscous Recipe

Serves 4
Four 100 g fillets of firm white fish, halibut, brill or turbot
300 g giant couscous (Personally I like the Merchant Gourmet brand)
2 tablespoons olive oil
Half a large cucumber, finely diced
4 spring onions sliced
75 g pumpkin seeds
6 sprigs of fresh basil or fresh coriander, finely sliced
Juice of one lemon with a dash of extra virgin olive oil to finish
Salt and  pepper to taste
1. Start by cooking the couscous. Place the olive oil into a medium sauté pan. Then add the couscous and cook over a medium heat for 2 to 3 minutes. Add 400 ml of cold water, bring to the boil and simmer for 14 to 16 minutes until the couscous is tender. Strain off any excess water, and set aside until cool. When the couscous is at room temperature, stir in the cucumber, spring onion, pumpkin seeds, basil, lemon juice and olive oil. Mix well and season to taste.
2. It’s now time to cook the fish. The easiest way to do this is to grill it for 4 to 5 minutes under a hot grill. Season with a dash of olive oil and some lemon juice and salt, and serve straight away. And voila, you have a “no fuss” healthy dinner. Enjoy!
Nutrition facts per serving: 518 calories, 22 grams protein, 58 grams of carbs, 18 grams of fat
Do you have a favorite halibut recipe? Will you try this one? And how much fun is giant couscous?! (HI! I’M GIANT COUSCOUS!) —Jenn

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