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Bring Attention to Allergies With These Allergy Tattoos and Bracelets!

I’ve been super fortunate that my kids seem to have inherited my stomach of steel and freedom from food allergies and sensitivities. But some aren’t so lucky, and food allergies are more than just inconvenient — they can be deadly, as was the recent case of a girl who died after eating a snack at camp.

As tragic as that case is, it emphasizes the fact that allergies are nothing to joke around about. When parents can’t be around to monitor their kids’ every bite, it can help to have a visual reminder of that allergy so that other adults know to be cautious. For that reason, I love these two products that are made to remind everyone of an allergy: The Safety Tat allergy tattoo and the Beware Bandits medical bracelets for kids.

SafetyTat Allergy Tattoos

allergy tattoo

These tattoos help keep kids safe!

These SafetyTat allergy tattoos are made to do the talking when parents aren’t around. The bright colors ensure that they’re easily seen, and they have enough room to write specific medical information on them, as well as a phone number. These tattoos are perfect for the first days of school or camp, at a birthday party or picnic, or at a big family gathering. They’re available in 24 packs for $19.99.

Beware Bandits


These Beware Bandits bracelets are brightly colored and fun, making any kid with a severe allergy or medical condition more likely to wear them. With fun characters suited to the specific allergy, like Billy the Bee for insect sting allergies and Tom Soyer for soy allergies, these bracelets are adjustable and made with a latex-free band and nickel-free snaps. The bracelets are made to survive destructive kids, and additional medical information can be added to the back of the bracelet. Each bandit will run you $5.99.

Do you have a child with allergies? How do you bring awareness to other caregivers when you’re not around? —Erin

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