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Michael Symon’s Recipe for Arugula and Chickpea Salad

We love how grapes make a sweet appearance in this chickpea salad.

We love how grapes make a sweet appearance in this chickpea salad.

You know Michael Symon, Iron Chef and co-host of The Chew? Well, we got one of his favorite recipes and just had to share it. We’ll be sharing an interview with Chef Symon later today, but for now, whet your appetite with this vegetarian chickpea salad that uses Greek yogurt in a whole new and healthy way! Plus, how genius is it to use grapes like this? We love how the spicy arugula balances the sweet fruit!

Michael Symon’s Arugula and Chickpea Salad

Yield: 4 servings
3 cups baby arugula, loosely packed
19 oz. can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
½ small red onion (1 cup loosely packed), sliced very thinly
1 cup red seedless grapes, cut in half if they are large
1 cup Dannon Oikos Plain Greek Nonfat Yogurt
1 ½ tablespoons chopped fresh dill
Juice of 1 large lemon
2 tablespoons milk
Salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste.
1. In a small bowl, soak the sliced red onion in ice water for 5 minutes then drain and set aside. This will take away the raw onion flavor and also crisp it up.
2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the arugula, chickpeas, red onion and grapes. Set aside.
3. In a medium bowl, whisk together the remaining ingredients, including yogurt and give it a taste. Check for seasoning here, adding more salt and pepper if necessary.
4. Spoon some of the dressing on the arugula mixture, tossing to lightly coat everything then serve immediately.
A bonus to this yummy chickpea salad recipe? The unused dressing can be stored in the refrigerator for up to three days. Boo-yah.
Do you ever include chickpeas in your salads? What do you like to pair them with? And want more recipes by Michael? Check ’em out here. —Jenn

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