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Use Your iPad as a Cookbook? You Sooo Need This

I always thought the iPad was cool for web browsing, video and reading. But I never fully imagined I’d use it so much for cooking! In fact, unless I’m obsessed with a cookbook (like I am with this one), I usually use my tablet for looking up recipes. For me, it’s just an easy way to scroll through recipes online (hello,  Pinterest!), and avoid losing your spot in an actual cookbook that has pages. But the problem with iPads in the kitchen is that whatever you have on your hands gets on your iPad or tablet, and who wants to mess up such a pretty, sleek device by getting flour or heaven forbid, something like goopy chicken germs on it?
No one does, that’s who.
Luckily, someone has thought of a cure for this common cooking problem — and that cure is disposable iPad sleeves from The Orange Chef Company!
Totally brilliant, the Chef Sleeve is a clear, touch-sensitive sleeve that slips right over your iPad and seals shut to protect your tablet from all of the mess that can happen as you slice and dice your way to a delicious meal. With it, you don’t have to worry about splatter from soup or your hands mucking up the iPad. You simply do your kitchen thang and toss the cover when you’re done. It’s recyclable, too!
It’s hard to believe that the cover is as touch sensitive as the iPad without the sleeve, but it’s actually really responsive. I could barely tell a difference in the iPad’s performance! You can get a pack of 25 for $19.99, which is a touch pricey, but it’s a small price to pay to protect your valuable tablet, really. The company also has other really neato products for the iPad cooking-foo, like this iPad stand that stands up to the dishwasher and this cutting board with an iPad stand. Love!
Does your iPad serve as a virtual cookbook, too? How do you protect it? —Erin

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