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10 Recipes & Reads Worth Firing the Grill Up For!

From veggie burgers to “adult” smoothies to who wins the battle of Trader Joe’s vs. Whole Foods, these Foodie Finds are hot, hot, hot! Get ’em off the grill now!
Grill these up for Meatless Monday — or, really, anytime! —Vegetarian Times
Never make two grocery store stops again. —The Washington Post
We didn’t know that our favorite food came in purple! —Fake Food Free
A wine club you can afford, at last! —HuffPost Taste
Why you really need that romantic dinner out. —Fit Bottomed Girls
A guac recipe that never browns. At last! —Zenbelly
Serve smoothies everyone will love at your next barbecue. —DietsinReview.com
Sometimes relaxation is just a trip to the grocery store away. —Fit Bottomed Mamas
To eat unwashed fruit or not. That is the question. And this is the answer. —Self Video
It’s not about perfection. —Nourish RDs
Alright, now who’s going to make that guac this weekend? I am! —Jenn 

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