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Help With Healthy Meal Plans At Your Fingertips!

It’s no secret that in the midst of chaos a few “to-go” meals happen. Typically it’s exciting for our kiddos, but for us mamas, we cringe just a little. I’ve always said that planning was key to my weight-loss post-baby and has been just as important to my weight maintenance.

As a meal planner myself, I’m always interested in trying out different services, and No More To Go asked us to do just that. The site helps families stay on track with eating at home and keeping that food budget down. The sign-up was hassle-free, and every Friday is exciting. They email me a list of the next week’s upcoming menu along with a link to each recipe. I even get a grocery list! All recipes are written and created by the site’s owner, Stacey Strout Stabenow, and are pretty straightforward. I had to modify quite a few of the recipes to fit my lifestyle, but that is simple to do. Like any recipe you follow, you tweak it to fit your taste buds and your preferences.


The benefits of this service is to take out a few extra steps for all mamas, near and far. We all go through the steps: we sit with our coupon book and recipes, mindful of the food aversions of our kiddos, and we stress about planning what the entire family will eat. None of us enjoy making separate meals for our kids, so for the most part, these are kid-friendly with something for the whole family. Stacey even sends some kiddo recommendations, too!

When I printed the grocery list, I would scratch off ingredients I already had before going to the market (remember when I went alone? Glorious!). No one likes doubles! I used this service for a month to really understand how it works and its benefits, and this shopping list feature is pretty close to being my favorite part of the site!

This site does it all, except deliver the cooked food. But that’s where it gets fun! Include the kids in the food prep; let them stir. Keep them busy in the kitchen so they work with you rather than against you. No More To Go makes meal planning easy — all you have to do is shop and cook, which still gives you control over your meal with a few middle man steps removed!

The site offers a free trial before  you sign up for subscription services, which start at $7 for a one-month subscription. Give it a shot if you’re finding yourself hitting your favorite to-go joint a little too frequently!

Are you a meal planner? Would you try a service like this one? —Jennifer

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