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7 Refreshing Drinks to Sip by the Pool This Summer


6. Svelte Banana Crème

Spiced Chai is still our current favorite Svelte protein shake flavor, but the new Svelte Banana Crème is giving it a run for its money. Especially because it’s so summery! A fabulous on-the-go protein shake, this drink tastes like real bananas because it’s actually made with organic banana puree (and without artificial flavors and yellow dye #5). Non-dairy, cholesterol-free, vegan and certified gluten-free, each serving is packed with 11 grams of protein (from soy) and 5 grams of fiber, so it’s a refreshing drink that keeps you full.
Sip on this refreshing drink if you’re … in need of a more filling, protein-filled option.

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