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This Morning Ritual Will Set You Up for All-Day Positivity

Happy blonde girl on bed in bedroom drinking morning coffee

Not a morning fan? I sooo know how you feel. I’ve never been a morning person, but add in nightly wake-ups with kids and not being able to get comfortable with my pregnant belly, and I couldn’t be less of a morning person than I currently am. (Although, check back once I’ve had my newest baby and see how I feel then!) But if you’re in the same boat as me, today’s 10-Minute Fix from The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet video series is for you! It’s all about setting yourself up with a morning ritual that feels good — and puts you in a positive mindset for the whole day. Plus, it’ll even check one thing off of your to-do list before your feet even hit the ground!

This video marks the halfway point in our series, so be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you don’t miss a single 10-Minute Fix. And, just in case you haven’t picked up your copy of the book yet, you should get right on that so you can follow along with us each week. Be sure to hit us up on social media with #FBGAntiDiet, too, to show us how you’re embracing the anti-diet life — and feeling really freakin’ awesome in the morning!

Do you hate the a.m.? Would you try a morning ritual like this? —Erin

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