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A Typical Weekly Meal Plan for My Family


Over on Fit Bottomed Eats, we’ve been doing a meal planning challenge to encourage readers to get creative with their meal planning. It’s a challenge I need too, as I’m not the world’s most inventive chef or meal planner. There are times when I’m gung-ho for months at a time, but then life gets in the way and I’m flying by the seat of my pants throwing stuff together on a whim. But with three little kids, cooking and meal planning are kind of the one chore you can’t slack on. You can get away with letting laundry pile up sky high, and you can get away with a bathtub that desperately needs a scrub, but you can’t not feed the kiddos. They let you know in a big and bad way, for sure.

So while searching Pinterest for new recipes and flipping through foodie mags might not be how I spend my scant free time, I do have to get out the old pencil and paper, plan my meals and put together a grocery list on the regular. Head on over to Fit Bottomed Eats to catch my typical weekly meal plan for my family  — and to join in on all of the meal-planning fun!

Do you plan your meals out weekly? What are a few of your faves? —Erin

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