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Make the Body/Mind/Mouth Connection

body-mind-mouth-c-585Having worked in the weight-loss and maintenance industry, I have a deep interest in learning the different methods and avenues taken in this field. When Margaret Marshall’s book Body, Mind and Mouth: Life’s Eating Connection floated across our laps, I was extremely taken by the title and ready to dive in. On a personal level, I believe in life coaching. I work with a life coach and find it to be extremely important in my role as a mother, wife, weight loser and everyday woman. I find balance through the skills that I’ve obtained, and I enjoy the accountability during certain times of my life. When I began reading Margaret’s introduction, I was ecstatic to learn that she found success through Weight Watchers and also became a leader; this built a quick connection to the book for me and sure made this an easy and delightful read.

I truly believe there is a strong connection between our mind and body that leads us to the food choices we make. Whether one struggles with their weight or not, food can still affect each one of us. I appreciate the honesty in Margaret’s message and the raw details she provides. There is nothing magical about weight-loss, and she makes that clear in the first five pages by stating that “you need information, education and direction.” I’ve always said knowledge is power and this is what she is preaching. There is no hidden message, no fad, nothing secretive. Margaret simply brings to light that the key to weight-loss is “knowledge, practice and patience …” So, why do so many of us fight it?

This book has so many key points that if I listed them, you’d have no reason to dive in. Body, Mind and Mouth is just as therapeutic as it is educational. It delivers that aha moment and walks you through taking note of your own challenges and providing reasoning that allows you to decide if it’s time for a change. This is not just for the overweight: this book is about helping you be a better YOU by connecting all avenues of your life. The biggest takeaway from this book, and something I urge each one of you to take time and really absorb, is your inner dialogue. This is something I talked about a lot with my Weight Watcher members and something I find so crucial in everyday situations. When we talk down about ourselves or to ourselves, we create that negativity. This particular chapter really reminded me that we are our biggest cheerleaders. We need to talk to ourselves in a way we want to be perceived; if you don’t believe you, who will?

I could go on and on about my love for Body, Mind and Mouth: Life’s Eating Connection, but then I’d spoil it for you! This is one of those purchases you make for yourself. Be kind to YOU! —Jennifer

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