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Food For Thought: The Best Food Quotes

From Hippocrates to J.R.R. Tolkien to Charles M. Schulz, it seems everybody’s got something to say about their eats, and rightfully so! But, it’s the how, what and why we eat that truly defines us.
Some people use food strictly as fuel, while others exploit it primarily for comfort. Some take a moral stance with their food choices and label themselves accordingly. There are those who treat sustenance as art and devote their lives to honing their craft; and there are yet others who care not one iota what they put in their bodies as long as it fills a void.
Emotionally, food is some powerful stuff; a simple whiff has the ability to evoke childhood memories and transport one back in time. It can be used to relieve boredom, calm us in times of distress and generally nourish the soul.
Historically, it’s been used to heal and traditionally to celebrate life’s many victories.
Personally, I garner great joy from my hours spent in the kitchen and, without the communal element associated with dining, my social life would be in the toilet.
Whatever the reason, it’s approximated we spend 38,003 hours of our lifetime engaged in this most basic of needs; that’s roughly 87,600 meals!
Hopefully you’ve put a little thought into what motivates your daily eats. Keep reading to see what celebrities, epicureans and famous artists have to say about this delightful activity. Here come what we think are some of the best food quotes!

Best Food Quotes

Which food quotes best describe your philosophy on eating? —Karen

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