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What It’s Like for a Single Father

Over the years, we’ve talked about all kinds of moms: Stay-at-home moms, working moms, moms who work at home part time (raises hand), solo moms. But dads, while appreciated greatly, get less time in the spotlight. The most overlooked demographic on our site? The single father. It’s not that we have anything against them, it’s just that we don’t know much about them as our husbands aren’t single.

Recently, Yahoo! Parenting brought a single dad into the spotlight with its #NoShameParenting week-long initiative highlighting unique parenting experiences and calling for an end to “parent shaming.” They unveiled a new original video series, “What It’s Like,” which highlights all types of parenting styles and draws attention to the hot button issues centered on parents feeling judged.

This episode features a single dad with full custody of his daughter and he details the struggles he faces — from doing hair to trying to schedule play dates with friends.

Before this video, I never gave much thought to those unique struggles dads deal with. Can you imagine it being difficult to schedule play dates? I love this series because it takes an honest look at the varied experiences parents — that people— have. It’s enlightening to watch the struggles and experiences of other parents, and maybe a little heartbreaking, too. Make sure you have tissues.

Know any awesome single dads?Erin

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