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Simply Craving Simply Gum

Gum lover, right here. And despite trying to grab aspartame-free gum most of the time, I’ll admit that I currently have a pack of commercial/far-from-natural gum sitting on my desk.
I feel kind of bad about it. Because, unlike the majority of my eats, it’s the one thing I chew on almost daily that’s far from clean or natural. I mean, I don’t even put my leftovers in plastic, so why would I chomp on something that can have plastic-like compounds in it? It makes no sense.
So when Simply Gum asked if I wanted to try it, I said “Yes, please save my gum-loving soul.”
And the idea of Simply Gum is just as it sounds: gum done simply. The ingredients are minimal and all-natural, with no synthetics (they use chicle) or fake sugars. The gum is also biodegradable, something — again, guilty as charged — I never really gave much thought to.


They even include wraps to put your gum in once you’re done chewing. Brilliant.

Besides Simply Gum looking really great on paper (figuratively and literally — as seen in the above photo, haha), it’s also really delicious. I tried the flavors Mint, Cinnamon, Coffee and Fennel Licorice (they also have Maple Syrup and Ginger, which I really want to give a whirl, too), and really enjoyed them all. I’ll admit, they look a little like my dog’s kibble, but I swear they don’t taste like it at all. (Hey, it’s natural.)
I only needed one to two pieces at a time, and the first few chomps were SO flavorful. Then, the flavor and sweetness disappears almost totally. Then, after a few more chomps, the flavor (with about half of the sweetness) returns — and stays for at least an hour. The texture of the gum is a bit stickier, smoother and, well, gummier, then most commercial gums, but not in a bad way — just in a different way.
And the flavors were SO good. Mint was just as you want it to be: minty and fresh. Cinnamon was warm and pleasant but not hot. Coffee tasted like mocha and was a fantastic, almost rich treat. And Fennel Licorice. Guys, let’s talk about Fennel Licorice. I know this is a divisive flavor. To say you like black licorice is even more controversial than saying you like beets. But, just as my relationship with beets went from hate to love, over the past year or two I’ve found a deep appreciation and even sometimes a craving for black licorice. And the Fennel Licorice Simply Gum fulfilled that craving, in a simple not over-the-top way. It was my fave flavor of the four.
You can find Simply Gum in natural food stores and on Amazon. The going rate is about $15 for 90 pieces. If you’re a gum addict like me, it’s well worth it.
Guys, I’ve righted my gum-loving ways, I swear. I’m turning over a new leaf. A Simply Gum and simply better gum-lover leaf. Wanna join me? —Jenn

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