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The Snack That’s Saved My Morning, Afternoon, Evening … and Life!

The following post is sponsored by Pure Protein. For our sponsored post policy, click here.

You know what happens? Life. I am constantly on the go these days it seems — whether I’m taking Gwen to daycare or traveling for work or heading to the gym or hosting a family function — there is just SO much to do! (Not to mention laundry and dishes … they never end!) And while I have lots of fitness hacks up my sleeve (calf raises or squats while brushing your teeth, anyone?), one of my best healthy eating tricks is to have a high-protein snack like — my fave — Pure Protein Crunch with me everywhere I go to help keep me on track when derailers strike. And I mean everywhere.


Because, guys, it has saved my fit bottom on more than one occasion. In fact, it’s saved my fit bottom morning, noon and night and then some. They come in a super convenient throw-it-in-your-bag single-serving (yay instant portion control), and one package has 10 grams of protein, 5 grams of sugar and 150 calories. Plus, they’re gluten-free, non-GMO and delicious. Offered in Chocolate and Peanut Butter, you can’t go wrong with either flavor. Although chocolate has been my jam lately.


Here are just seven ways Pure Protein Crunch has saved my entire day (and life) and might save yours, too!


7 Times Pure Protein Crunch Has Saved My Fit Bottom

1. Crazy mornings. I usually have a green smoothie every morning (with Pure Protein 100% Whey Protein Rich Chocolate Powder, of course!) — and I even split it with my daughter who loves them, too. But some mornings we are rushing around and need something we can just grab and go. Pure Protein Crunch fits that bill perfectly. (And, no surprise, my daughter always “borrows” a few bites.)

2. Travel of any kind. Traveling makes me hungry. And whether I’m in my car, at the airport or in a taxi, having a high-protein snack like this just makes sense. Waaay better than a food court or drive-thru!

3. When I was hangry. I’m generally a nice person. Unless I’m hungry. Then, watch out. So I want to personally thank Pure Protein for helping me to maintain my relationships and keep the hangries at bay. My family and friends thank Pure Protein, too.

4. Before and after workouts. You guys know how important it is to get high-quality protein after a workout, right? And, if you’ve ever worked out hungry, you know that’s not the way for a fab sweat session. So, yet again, Pure Protein Crunch has been my go-to for snacking pre- and post-workout.


5. Busting through the afternoon slump. It’s 3 p.m. I want to take a nap. I could have another cup of coffee or reach for something carby, but do I? No, I do not. I reach for Pure Protein Crunch!

6. Before yoga. When I do yoga I like to have a little something in my stomach but not too much of something. Ya know? You know. And what do you know … this is the perfect-sized snack to give me energy but to not interfere with any poses (especially those deep abdominal twists).

7. When cravings strike. I have a sweet tooth. So it’s no surprise that a package of Pure Protein Crunch has saved me from some really less-than-healthy decisions (frozen custard, I’m looking at you!).


Share How Pure Protein Saves Your Fit Bottom in a Photo and Win!


Wanna win a $50 Walmart gift card and some tasty Pure Protein product of your own? Of course you do! To enter to win, post a photo of your own favorite derailer moment on Instagram, tagging @officialpureprotein@FitBottomedGirl and using #KeepOnTrack. These pictures can be of your gym bag, traffic, your kids, travel or even a mound of paperwork — derailers that threaten to knock you off track where having Pure Protein on hand would help you power through. Your photo can include the Pure Protein product that saved your day, but it doesn’t have to. We just want to see what’s going on in your fit life. We’ll pick a winner in about a week — U.S. only, pretty please.

And you guys saw Kristen’s High Protein Molten Chocolate Lava Cake recipe, right? It’s pretty much my other favorite thing ever. —Jenn

FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!