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Do Your Supplements Match Your Lifestyle?

The following post is sponsored by Ahiflower®. For our sponsored post policy, click here.

You eat organic food. You shop local. You do yoga. You meditate. You recycle. You try to see the positive in everything — and do what you can to make the world a better place. And, man, you are awesome. But is there an area of your life that you’re not being as mindful about? Like, when’s the last time you looked at your supplements? Like, really looked at them?


When I did this review of Ahiflower, a vegan and complete omega-3 fatty acid supplement, it really got me thinking. I like to think of myself as being a pretty conscious, eco-friendly and responsible person who is not only making the best and healthiest choices for my family, but also choosing products that support my community and the world at large. But after taking a look at my medicine cabinet pre-Ahiflower, it was clear that I wasn’t taking the same mindful approach to my supplements as I was to my meditation practice and food choices. I simply hadn’t considered exactly where my supplements were coming from — or how they impacted the places or people where they were being made.


Besides being a better source of omega-3s than flax with no fish burps (thank goodness for that, because gross), Ahiflower is grown sustainably and doesn’t deplete our marine fisheries. Also, unlike flax and fish, Ahiflower also contains the very important omega 6, GLA which is associated with skin health, hormonal balance and reducing inflammation. This is the key omega found in evening primrose and borage seed oils. Plus, Ahiflower is committed to making people — and the earth — healthier. They contract with independent farmers who are passionate about cultivating healthy, sustainable crops that promote the health of families globally. And the awesome result is they also help preserve our ocean’s ecosystems. This means that the vegan omegas you get in Ahiflower are naturally authentic — from soil to oil — and you can feel really good about taking them.

It’s a big world. And yet it’s a small world because we’re all connected. And that means that your dollar has power. If you want to make a difference in the world (and I suspect you do if you’re reading this), then make sure you take your mindfulness off your yoga mat and put it into all of your decisions. Think about what you’re buying and the products and companies you’re supporting. How are they grown? How do they treat their contractors and employees? How do they treat the Earth? Are you really proud to support them — and aware of their practices?

I can say that I’m truly an Ahiflower fan for life. The product works and it’s worth my mindful dollar.

How You Can Try Ahiflower Yourself


To help support #CaringChoices, Ahiflower is doing a giveaway for Fit Bottomed Zen readers! Simply leave a comment with a caring choice that you’re making today (sending a thank you note to a friend, telling someone you love them, donating to a good cause, volunteering, etc.) and we’ll select a couple U.S. readers to win some Ahiflower about a week.

Can’t wait to hear about all your caring choices! And, hey, Ahiflower would make for a great stocking stuffer! Jenn

FTC disclosure: We often receive products from companies to review. All thoughts and opinions are always entirely our own. Unless otherwise stated, we have received no compensation for our review and the content is purely editorial. Affiliate links may be included. If you purchase something through one of those links we may receive a small commission. Thanks for your support!