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Stay Healthy on Vacation: 7 Tips to Stay Fit, Eat Well and Save Money

Putting the Stay-Healthy-on-Vacation Strategy to Use

A couple of years ago Bill and I took a road trip from Los Angeles to Napa. If you time it right, just past San Simeon you can catch the yearly migration of the elephant seals.
This is the view from the vehicle access point. We found these four guys sunning themselves on the beach. Tourists were snapping pictures like crazy. Bill and I decided to hoof it down the beach a ways and see what was around the corner. This!
On your next vacation, don’t leave your active FBG lifestyle at home. Yes, this beach trail in Kauai was a bit, okay, A LOT, harder than the easy one down the road.
Was it worth it? Hell yeah. The path less traveled usually is.
It is said that people spend more time planning a vacation than they spend planning their retirement. Make your trip a memorable experience, not something you have to work off once you get back to reality. If in your everyday life you are truly enjoying all foods and not denying yourself, sustenance shouldn’t be treated like a reward. The reward is the vacation.
Do you take a vacation from your healthy lifestyle when traveling? —Karen

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