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A Nut-Free Snack From a Nutty Squirrel

Like I said earlier this week, I’ve been lucky that my kids don’t have any allergies so far. But that doesn’t mean that everyone is so fortunate. So I decided to take one for the team and test out some new snacks that are totally nut-free. Enter Skeeter Snacks.

When I first got the email offering samples, I clicked through to the Skeeter Snacks website. And as soon as I saw that Skeeter was the world’s only squirrel that was allergic to nuts, well, I just had to see what they were all about. It turns out that the company doesn’t just have a squirrely sense of humor; they make a tasty snack, too!

Skeeter Snacks' Cinnamon Grahams

Skeeter Snacks’ Cinnamon Grahams are a nut-free snack if you or your kids have a nut allergy.

I saved the box of Cinnamon Grahams for a fun treat for a 3-hour flight with my two kids. Flying with two kids under 3 can be a terrifying experience for everyone on the plane, but Skeeter certainly came to the rescue. At the first hint of trouble a couple of hours in, the grahams did the trick to tide all of us over until we got off the plane. Both of my kids loved them, but the one who could put her love into words kept asking for “more beavers.”

The snacks are really tasty. Sweet enough to take the edge off a sweet tooth but wholesome-tasting as well. They’re all-natural, whole-grain and don’t have high fructose corn syrup or trans fat. You can have 16 cookies for 130 calories, which is just right for fun little lunch box treats or to take the edge off right before dinner. For parents, a handful is a good treat at night when you’re heading for the kitchen at commercials.

Skeeter Snacks also makes nut-free cookies, but I only got a few bites between the six cookies I got to try. In a family of four, everyone fought tooth and nail for them, and I lost. The bites I did have of the Golden Oatmeal and Chocolate Chunk varieties were tasty and airy, if a bit crumbly. Definitely a cure for a cookie craving that won’t have you worried about allergies.

So do I need to befriend Skeeter? Not because of an allergy. But I have a feeling Skeeter will be landing in the shopping cart just because he’s one tasty “beaver.”

What nut-free snacks do you and your family love? –Erin

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