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Is This the Best Book Ever? We Think So!

Okay, so we might be a bit biased since — you know — Erin and I wrote it and all, but still. We’re really proud of The Fit Bottomed Girls Anti-Diet. And it comes out, TODAY! Meaning that you can buy it wherever books are sold (AmazonBarnes & NoblePowell’s BooksBooks-a-MillionGoogleiBookstore and Indiebound)!
A labor of love and gratitude went into this book, and it’s truly a great way for foodies to stay healthy. Nothing is off limits, there’s no restrictions or deprivation required (or actually, even allowed!), it’s all about everything in moderation, and gives you steps to be more mindful, design a healthy life you love, and feel super confident inside and out. Plus, we think it’s a pretty fun read on top of that (anything that encourages reality TV watching is, right?)!
Hear what others are saying about the book (even the Today show liked it!) and find out how you can get it here, NOW! —Jenn

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